Dare to Shift: Challenging Leaders to a New Way of Thinking
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By Dr. Michael Bowie and Dr. Stephen Handy
For nearly three years, the world has experienced a disruption that changed life as we knew it. This disruption has forced us to shift in every area of life. Friends, nothing will ever be the same. How we shop, work, and even worship has forever changed. Let's be honest. A major shift has happened!
In this book, co-authors Michael Bowie and Stephen Handy discuss how the Resurrection of Jesus caused the ultimate disruption to life, changing the landscape of the world for all time.
The authors write that adaptive leadership is vital for this next iteration of ministry. To be effective, we must be nimble, flexible, and open to new ways of ministry. We can no longer rely on how we've always done things. We must be willing to shift and do ministry in uncommon, uncertain, and uncomfortable ways.
As society continues to navigate and adjust to this new reality, we need to transform our complacent mindset into a creative one. This book will challenge readers to make intentional shifts in their understanding of relationships, leadership, stewardship, and discipleship. Readers are encouraged to embrace new models and concepts compelling you to be more curious, creative, and courageous.
In their book, Dare to Shift: Challenging Leaders to a New Way of Thinking, Dr. Michael Bowie and Dr. Stephen Handy encourage readers to make the needed shift to experience the abundant life we were meant to live, moving beyond an ordinary life of routine and comfort.