Money Talks: A Biblical take on earning, saving, spending and giving
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By Callie Picardo & Rosario Picardo
Money talks. Money has power. Influence. It ascribes worth and value. Almost like a god, money beckons us to worship and idolize. In fact, money has become a god for many of us.
We work and work to get more, buy more, consume more-to have the latest, the best, the better than we had before. We stress about money. Will we have enough? What do we do when the bank account gets too low? When the credit card bills get too high? What happens when there’s more month than money?
The good news is, money isn’t the only thing that talks. God also talks. Even louder than money if we have the ears to hear. God is speaking today through the power of the Holy Spirit. And as much as the world loves to talk about money, God has even more to say. What is He trying to tell us in the midst of all this money talk? Simply this: He is enough.
So, how can we talk about money as it relates to our relationship with God, others, and the world? This book is spiritual, but it’s also practical. Throughout these pages readers will explore how to actually earn, save, spend, and give in a way that puts God, not money, first. There are countless Christian books on money, but many of them focus on worldly concepts-only attempting to fit God’s Word in as an afterthought.
In Money Talks, the Roz and Callie Picardo share their hope that in listening to God speak, He will direct our steps in all areas- from earning and saving to spending and giving. That’s why this book was written. Greed, materialism, debt, and consumerism have a hold on so many hearts, and we want to see people set free to worship God alone. It’s nearly impossible to avoid the use of money in our culture, but it is possible to seek God first in all areas of our life and put money in its proper place: simply a tool used to give God the glory.
Reading this content-rich, spiritually-endowed book was like receiving warm, personal mentorship for the journey of financial discipleship. Practical guidance is woven together with real-life stories into a beautiful pathway, guiding readers to God-honoring management of both possessions and money.
Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey
Director, Bishop Bruce Ough Innovation Center
Money Talks is a winsome and engaging, intensely practical guide to faithful living with our financial resources. Building on a strong biblical foundation, Rosario and Callie tackle one of the truly vexing issues of our day and time – the use and abuse of our financial resources. I strongly commend Money Talks for use by a working pastor preparing sermons on the subject of money or for the Sunday School/small group leader who is trying to help students grow in faithfulness to Christ. The reader will be blessed and guided in concrete ways to move forward in their walk with Christ.
Bishop Mike Lowry
Resident Bishop of the Central Texas Conference
Drawing from scripture, sermons by John Wesley and their own life experiences, Callie and Roz help us explore in this book how to earn, save, give and spend in a way that puts God, not money, first in our lives. Money Talks not only teaches us God’s principles of handling money, but also gives us practical advice of how to put those principles into action. The spiritual fruit surveys at the end of each chapter are part of the genius of this book. Don’t miss them.
Mark MacDonald
President, National Christian Foundation Kentucky
Money Talks by Callie and Roz Picardo is one of the most Biblically based, spiritually encouraging, wisely practical, and genuinely helpful books I have ever read on authentic Christian stewardship. It is creatively focused on John Wesley’s guidance on Christian earning, saving, spending and giving with insightful personal illustrations. Money Talks reminds us that everything we are and have belongs to God and by using these gifts wisely and generously we are able to grow deeper in our faith and trust in Christ.
Dr. Kent Millard
President, United Theological Seminary
Money Talks is a flawless work that brings discovery to God’s plan for financial faithfulness and success. This book gives insightful grounding to the purpose, plan, and proper place for financial stewardship, while also providing practical steps for any ministry, organization, or individual that is serious about financial growth. Laced with real-life stories and relevant scenarios, this book is a must read, and will leave you inspired to maximize the potential of your financial freedom.
Bishop Sir Walter Mack, Jr.
Senior Pastor, Union Baptist Church
The topic of Kingdom Stewardship is oftentimes misunderstood in church. While there are those who feel that the health and wealth “name it and claim it” model is the path to take, others feel the best practice to use is to spend it while you have it. Both of these methods are fundamentally flawed. In their book, Money Talks, Roz and Callie Picardo provide practical biblical principles to help everyday followers of Christ tosteward money in these uncertain times.
Rev. Dr. J. Elvin Sadler
General Secretary - Auditor, The AME Zion Church
Money talks—but for those with ears to hear—God speaks louder! So many of us get caught in the hamster wheel chasing after money. But the world is not enough to fill the void created by the disease of “more.” What if there is a way that our work can be sacred? What if earning money can be an icon that points to God, rather than an idol that points to ourselves? What if the key to money is in being a channel through which God’s blessings flow into the lives of others? Roz and Callie Picardo have given the world a gift in this book. They embody the Biblical principles they share. Drawing upon the wisdom of John Wesley to “earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can” they show us a practical way to faithfully put God’s voice first, so our finances can flourish and bear kingdom fruit. This gold mine of a resource is required reading for pastors and their teams!
Rev. Dr. Michael Adam Beck
Director of Remissioning, Fresh Expressions US