Expanding the Expedition Through Digital Ministry
By Nichole Reilley
Author Nicole Reilley invites readers to take seriously the world in which we find ourselves. We live in a digital world, and regardless of your age (you may or may not be a digital native) or comfort with technology, all of us find ourselves living in a time when God is using technology to build up the church.
This expedition doesn’t require any unique skill set, only a desire to let God lead as we use today’s tools for God’s glory. Don’t let the topic scare you if this is new to you. We will make it accessible and fun. And remember, everything on our expedition is a process, a discovery, an unfolding of where God is calling us as his church.
This resource will look at why the digital world matters to God, the distinctions between online worship and online ministry, the differences between our approaches to ministry online and in-person, evangelism, engagement and why it matters, and hybrid ministry models.
Chapters include:
• Welcome to the Digital Edition
• Starting with Why
• The Distinction Between Online Worship and Online Ministry
• Creating an Online Ministry That Connects
• Digital Evangelism
• Engagement as Our Vitality Measurement
Nicole Reilley writes with clarity and laser focus to help your church leaders reflect on their digital ministry experiences during COVID and to proceed toward the creation of a sustainable, ongoing digital ministry. This book will win over the ambivalence and help your church anchor its ministry firmly in an increasingly digital world.
Paul Nixon
Author of Cultural Competence and co-author of Launching a New Worship Community: A Practical Guide for the 2020s
Nicole’s real-world church leadership grounds her book in the fundamentals ofonline and digital local church work. She provides proven innovations on how to dochurch online. Every local church pastor needs to read her book and begintheir own experimental design in the new church to come.
Bishop Grant Hagiya
Bishop of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
Nicole Reilley’s book is full of practical strategies and ideas that any churchcan implement. Digital ministry is here to stay, and this book is a great roadmapfor getting you to the place you want to go.
Jason Moore
Author of Both/And: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences for Online and In-Person Audiences
A must-read for churches seeking to be effective in the rapidly changing world, wherefaith communities’ physical and digital expressions come together to provide a fuller and deeper connection for worship, evangelism, and discipleship. Nicole brings a wealth of experience into consideration for fruitfulness in being the church in both expressions.
Phil Maynard
Author of Disciple Like Jesus and Foundations
Reilley captures the essence of what I believe is a keen view of the vastdigital frontier ahead of us. Expanding the Expedition Through Digital Ministryis a must-have resource for any churchgoer, grower, or planter who caresabout effectively understanding, reaching, and engaging people.
Cedrick Bridgeforth
California-Pacific Conference of The United Methodist Church