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- The What, Why & Where of the New Expedition
The What, Why & Where of the New Expedition
By Ken Willard
“So, what do you do?” “Where are you going?” This book will focus on the “what,” the “why,” and the “where” of your greatest expedition. These three questions are closely connected in ministry. They are also the questions that too many churches have lost sight of over the years.
Pause now, and consider these questions from your personal church experience. Think about a specific church where you spent the most amount of time, a church where you were very involved in the leadership aspects of that ministry. Now record your answers to these questions: What was it that church did? Why did that church do what it did?
Where was that church going? Now imagine we were somehow able to gather all of the other people who were in leadership in that church you thought of a minute ago, along with all of the other people in the congregation, and those in the mission field around that church, and asked them also to answer each of those same three questions. What do you think those responses would look like? Mostly the same? Lots of consistency, but with different words and phrases? (Hallelujah!) Or do you think everyone would have a different response to each of the questions? Would many people not even be able to answer the questions? That is much more likely in our experience working with churches.
Unfortunately, too many people do not know what their church does, why they do it, or where the ministry is going. This may be the reason so many churches are struggling today. So, let’s see what we can do to put you and your church in a place where you can be fruitful in your ministry!
Global and local disruptions of varied scales, sorts and speeds are the new normal. When life is disruptive, it is essential that churches are clear about and focused on their unchanging mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ, their world-transforming purpose, and their vision for the difference they can make in their communities. I highly recommend this practical, action-oriented book as a resource for churches seeking clarity about what Christ calls them to do, why it’s important to do it, and the vision of where they are going.
Bishop Ruben Saenz, Jr.
Great Plains Conference of The United Methodist Church
Meaning matters! In this newest addition to the Greatest Expedition series, Ken Willard guides congregational leaders in their journey of claiming missional purpose. I especially recommend his excellent Church Self Study resource in The What, Why, & Where as a practical roadmap for churches seeking to find their way in this challenging new season of ministry.
Blake Bradford
Co-author of Mission Possible 3+
The What, Why & Where is a handy guide for you and your team to begin listening to the Holy Spirit’s direction for the next season of your church’s ministry.
Amy Shanholtzer
Dean of the Cabinet, West Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church
Ken Willard has offered a gift to the church in this text. This is the resource for the church that knows it needs a renewed direct but is not sure where to start. I will definitely be using this resource to engage congregations as they begin the adventure of transformation and renewal.
Aaron M. Bouwens
Upper New York Conference of UMC