Wil Cantrell
Wil Cantrell serves as the Associate Pastor of Concord United Methodist Church in Farragut, TN. Wil’s driving passion is to help people live an authentic life while experiencing a real growing faith in Jesus Christ. Previously, he served for 6 years as the associate pastor at Middlebrook Pike UMC and for 5 years as the pastor of Lebanon Memorial UMC (Lebanon, VA) before coming to Concord UMC in July 2015.
Wil was elected to serve on the General and Jurisdictional Conference delegations from the Holston Conference in 2012 and 2016. He was an active observer and reporter of the happenings at both General Conference experiences through his blog. Unafraid and Unashamed is a result of those experiences and his many conversations with bishops, district superintendents, and local pastors throughout United Methodism. |